Friday, 7 August 2009

District 13-Ultimatium (Update)

Just when I was looking forward to seeing District 13 Ultimatium (D13-U)a> at the end of July, for some reason it the release date has now been move to the 2nd October 2009.

The good thing is... Today I pre-ordered the DVD version which will go on sale on Amazon for 26th October 2009.

Should be good!



Finrandi said...

Hey Zeno! Movie is good, well, not. I saw it in France months ago, and personally got dissapointed, but I guess it's a must-see because of it being a David Belle film. Anyway, looking forward for a review in a couple of months, good luck! Peace.

TraceurZeno said...

I appreciate your opinion Finrandi thank you!

I hope I enjoy it, when it finally arrives in the UK...


traceurchrisgrant said...

you can watch it online.
It's really pretty rubbish and it certainly doent have and Parkour action compared to the first film. Some good fights but little Parkour action....